1. I woke up before dawn from a very disturbing dream. I found watching the sun come up very soothing. Nature will always calm a jumpy mind.
2. Yesterday I had a ball of anxiety in my chest, perhaps the precursor to the dream this morning. Me thinks something big is getting ready to shift.
3. It was challenging to not chase away the anxiety and just let it have its corner of my day. I’ve been getting signals that I am trying to make change happen too fast, pushing for an outcome. My Priestess is reminding me that allowing is the energy to cultivate right now.
4. Allowing is not the same as waiting, abdicating responsibility, or avoiding action. Allowing is leaving the door to all-that-is open and inviting what comes though to sit and have a cup of tea.
5. Having a cup of tea is not a life long commitment. It is just a moment, this moment, right now. Breathe in, breathe out.
6. My pace right now is slow and internal. Trying to make it big and external is me trying to play by someone else’s rules. This never works.
7. This is what guidance looks like at times. Allowing all-that-is to have space in this moment, inviting even the uncomfortable in for tea and a bit of conversation.
Sometimes, if you allow it, the random is the guidance.
Here is more on guidance and here is a random something you may enjoy!