(part 3 of my series “being seen at 50“)
There is a dance of emergence that happens as the artist engages in both the making and allowing of the art to come forth.
For me the dance right now is “being seen at 50” and the dance floor is my photo editor. I push and pull my image, playing with filters and color balance and all sorts of things I don’t really understand until something happens. I see something I wasn’t expecting, something that feels true.
In that moment I meet myself. Newly.
Today I see the bare face, the dark circles, some farrows and gray hair, my tired and worn energy. All that we are suppose to hide from the world. All I often do hide from the world.
But here right now, I feel compelled to highlight what often gets covered. I pull the blotchinesss out, darken the tones so I can sit with my somberness, my weariness.
And I see my resolve.
I see truth. This truth of me wanting to be seen. Life is beginning to show on this face and body of mine in a way that is creating character. I may no longer longer be able to mask lack of sleep with more caffeine, but I am also no longer prone to apologizing for my intensity.
Sometimes we want to see our prettiness, but what our Soul longs for is our rawness.
These portrait meetings of myself are rich and already initiating quiet upheaval of my inner relationship to me.
And I am making it public. And that is scary.
And liberating.
And raw.
Will you meet your rawness today?
It is there, just under the surface or beneath what you feel you want to cover.
Meet it and see the energy it holds.

(parts 1 and 2 of this series are here)
I would love to hear from you and I want to open comments on this, but it is proving to be a complicated thing. So if you want to share anything with me go here or e-mail me at sandi@lusciouslife.com.