This afternoon.
I pulled a card.
A Turning in the Journey.

After weeks of rain and storms, I perused the plants in our tiny garden. A preliminary check to see what is happening as Spring approaches. A plant I thought died last summer is coming back to life.
A Bleeding Heart.
I moved my altar to the space under the window. The place it has wanted to be since we moved here a year and half ago. I resisted this spot because often I try and control the way energy flows in my personal spaces when I feel out of control in other ways.
I laid on my bed watching the clouds out of my bedroom window. Dark grey, stormy clouds against white fluffy ones, against the blue sky. The setting sun, warm through the glass takes the chill off of the room. I wonder what is changing in me and for me as I feel the shift in seasons staring. The first blossoms are on the trees, daffodils are in full glory, the days are getting longer.
A turn in the journey, Bleeding Hearts, sacred space evolution, the seasonal wheel turning.
The world is in conversation with me. Elegant and simple, always happening, always speaking its language of symbol and metaphor. My heart understands even as my mind tries to reason and dissect, extrapolate and predict, trashing about assigning meanings that are forced and overly complected. Ever scrambling to pin down the Mystery.
The most essential part of being in communion with the world is realizing you already are. Follow the stream of what grabs your attention. A deck of cards, something peeking out of the soil, an empty space begging to filled, a bone deep desire to lay down and watch some clouds.
It requires a type of listening. With your body, your senses, your imagination, your non-linear self. It is a quality I attribute to the “sensuality of living”. The ebb and flow of life through and around us, touching our being in concrete and interdementional ways.
When your soul settles you know you have the message, whether or not it comes in words that make any sense at all.
Oracles are one of my favorite ways to listen to the conversation the world wants to have with us. So, if you want a little message of self love, Intuitive Love Notes are still available- until February 28.