Category Archives: tea time
wishes on a silver tray
Tea Time Behind the Curtain, Episode #13
Happy New Year!
This week I talk about arriving in the New Year a bit tattered and roughed up by my own expectations, and what I created to help me remember my wishes for the year.
While I often get twisted up by trying to enter the New Year with everything all pristine and wrapped with a shinny bow, the truth is I spend a good part of January each year getting myself oriented.
It works for me, when I remember and don’t make myself wrong for it!
When I cast of the pressure to do it the right way, the neat and tidy way.
How do you enter the New Year? A bit ragged and discombobulated like me? Organized with clear intentions, resolutions, and visions? Somewhere in between or not any of it? It is all perfect.
Your way of entering in is just right for you. The year unfolds from exactly where you are right now.
My wish is that it be beautiful and uniquely yours!
(Inspiration for my wishing tray came from Jamie Ridler of Jamie Ridler Studios. In the video I said I could not find the video, on making a blessing bowl but I did! It is a simple and such a beautiful practice. Do check out her work, she is an inspiration for truly creative living.)
Want insight and practical ways to live in your unique and beauty way? My newest offering can help! Come check it out.
pretty tree, holiday wishes, year end musings
Tea Time Behind the Curtain, Episode #12
-where I give you a behind the scenes peek at what is going on in my life and in my business-
It is holiday time!
My tree is up, my energy is slowly descending to honor the dark time of the Winter Solstice, and I am looking back at the year. Savoring, learning, dreaming.
Please enjoy the last Tea Time video of the year. I share a wee holiday celebrating, show off my pretty tree and muse a bit on the year.
I mention:
Kris Oster and her branding course based on The Alchemist
My guest post about spending a year in the care of a goddess, for the brilliant goddess guide herself Amy Palko (if you have experienced her My Word Goddess Readings, treat yourself for the New Year. They are only available until the end of January)
I will be back in January with more. I do hope you will join me.
In the mean time, what are you celebrating? What have you done, learned, tried this year? What dreams are beginning to form for next year? Where do you find the light to let into your life? Especially if this time of year is challenging, for what ever reason?
I wish you love, warmth, sparkles and joy!![christmas_2014](
If the coming New Year is bringing you nudges of taking a deeper dive into life, I invite you to check out ways to work with me. Please be in touch if there is any way I can support your living the most luscious life possible!
savoring, the alchemist, and childhood elves
Episode 11, Tea Time, Behind the Curtain
-where I give you a behind the scenes peek at what is going on in my life and in my business-
This week on Tea Time Behind the Curtain it is rainy and stormy which has me asking introspecitve questions and musing on tree decorating, childhood memories and finding an old friend on the bookshelf.
What can you savor?
Where can you slow down and let a breath come in between the stages of your process, project or goal? Just the sake of appreciating the moments of becoming.
Find an old friend on your bookshelf and appreciate the road you have taken since you last opened this particular book.
Re-read an old favorite and see it newly from where you are now. Or, what is on your bookshelf, bedside table, pile along side the couch, that you haven’t read yet? Start it now!
What nostalgic memories are bubbling up as this year closes?
Maybe holiday related, maybe not. But what is something about the ending of the year that touches that sweet tender spot inside?
**I talked about the wonderful work Kris Oster. Mythological, magical, and always inspiring. Hop over and check her out, she is always up to something unique and full of pleasure!**
the way through life paradox
Episode 10, Tea Time Behind the Curtain
In this week’s Tea Time video a talk about how to hold the tension of the beauty and wonder of the holiday season with the hardship of the world.
The contrast is striking, particularly as the mythology of the culture is for everything to be sparkle and light. And when it isn’t? If can be even harder to find solid ground to sink into.
I have been thinking and feeling a lot lately about how to hold the paradox of living in both an amazingly beautiful world and a disturbingly troubled world.
How do I, do we, keep ourselves present and open hearted in the face of overwhelming pain and injustice and suffering? I wish I had a brilliant answer. What I do have are my tiny rituals and practices that return me to myself when I start getting overwhelmed by the world.
I make a cup of tea. It allows me a time out to get my breath back.
I bake. It returns me to the essential and life affirming energy of nourishing myself and those I love.
I knit. The repetition soothes my nervous system so I can respond rather than react.
I observe the every present beauty of nature. This brings me present and reminds me that the natural world knows how to deal with strife and hardship.
Once I have returned to myself, then I can find my courage to respond rather than react.
I can truly hear what is wanting to be understood. I can hold the paradox of pain and beauty. Wonder and struggle. Brutality and compassion. I can summon my courage instead my hurt and pain.
I wish I had better answers. But until I do I will continue to use the wonder of the world to lead forward, even as I allow the pain of the world a place in my heart. When I can honor both, then I can then be the force of healing and growth.
hair, heat, and human design
Episode 9: Tea Time Behind the Curtain
This week I talk about a hair cut as a metaphor for letting go of the old, the joy of having heat, and:
I have officially opened the doors on my newest service: Human Design Readings!
A synthesis of the mystical traditions of Astrology, I Ching, Kabbalah, the Chakra system and quantum science, I look at the Human Design chart as your divinely designed energetic blueprint. A map of how you are at your most essential core.
I hope so. Watch the video to learn a bit more and then click here for more information!
red lips and disapearing tardis
Episode 7 of Tea Time, Behind the Curtain
I believe giving yourself the little things, what can seem like unimportant, trivial, maybe even quirky in the bigger scheme of life, cultivates just the courage we need to do the bigger and more vulnerable ones we most desire.
Please watch and see how that had looked for me this week.
(Oh, and in case you want to know more about the Tardis.)