(Monday is Moon Day. What are the tides of your week calling you to?)
An Invitation: dare to revise your Story
What are the stories you tell? About your life, about you, about the world?
These stories are real.
And very, very mutable.
Are you the victim or the heroine?
The sovereign or servant?
The child, the adult, the lonely teen, the wise elder?
A being of light and wonder expanding and learning and growing, or a loser who will never get it right?
Dare to play with different stories.
Same events, same players, same circumstances, but what happens when you switch the way, the interpretation, the perspective you tell the story from?
This is one of the most empowering and transforming things we can do.
New views are found. New truths discovered. More range and depth discovered.
It is daring and radical. It is the foundation of powerful magic and mystical essence.
It is not about slapping a smiley face over tragedy. Or minimizing what is hard and ugly in the world. It is not about turning the other way and ignoring what is hard.
It is about Choice. The choice to determine how you engage with your life.
Your story is the portal. The interface between you and what is happening in your life.
Dare to Revise your Story.
Make sure it is current.
Choose the version that frees you, allows compassion and love and truth. Not the one that lets you avoid what is important to face, the uncomfortable, or side step responsibility. Not the one that ignores your brilliance, beauty, power and resiliency. But the one that reveals the great and epic journey of You, most grand and magnificent.
See what is changes.
You can always go back to the old story. Sometimes it is the best. But will you know if you don’t look at some other versions?