(Monday is Moon Day. What are the tides of your week calling you to?)
An Invitation: trust your Power
You are stronger than you know
more powerful than you realize
it sounds cliche
and trite
Something to say when
someone doesn’t want to be bothered
with your vulnerability, doubt or struggle
The irony is that your Power
is a delicate creature
taken to hide in the shadows
rather than roar and take space
Or wears the mask of forceful pushing
rough talk
false confidence
in order to be seen
But your Power
although it may be shy sometimes
may be jagged and brass others
Your Power
is You
in this moment, how ever you are
bold, angry, mean, justified, sullen, happy, ecstatic
Your Power is your life force
that always running current of energy
the divine spark incarnate
Trust this
follow the tread it asks you to follow
this is trustworthy
Fancy a bit of summer magic?
Think, a petite soul to soul tryst.
Only here for a short time and gone quicker than an ice cream cone in July!

If you are wanting a bit of oracle insight, a shot of intuitive soul to soul messaging to kindle you inner knowing, and you are willingness to let the Unseens bestow their sometimes direct, sometimes subtle wisdom.
I choose a card from one of my many decks, give you the download via PDF report and you get a written talisman to awaken your own knowing imagination! Details here!