~oracle wisdom~ april 3, 2017

Power of Attraction
from Sacred Rebels by Alana Fairchild

The world is woven together with golden threads
each felt only by those whose path align

This attraction is soul meeting destiny
yet only unfolding when trusted and followed

Give honor to that which pulls you towards it
for it will guide your way
illuminate your heart
show you
your place of belonging in this world


Where are you drawn?
What attracts you?
Any flights of fancy, shiny objects, unexpected curiosities grabbing your attention?

Let yourself follow the lead of what attracts you. Even if it doesn’t make sense, or doesn’t lead to something concrete that you can see right now. These treads of noticing, of attraction, are messages from the unseens, sign posts to our unfolding self. Allow them to take you into new terrains of knowing yourself.

If you have concerns that this all sounds too much like useless procrastination and avoidance, I say this. There is a difference between following the sacred threads of self through the mystery even, perhaps especially, when they don’t have a logical reason or conclusion and numbing out through distractions so as to NOT step vulnerably into the unknown and wild ride of your becoming self.

You are following a golden thread, sacred attraction, soul unfolding, if you feel a deepening recognition of yourself whether through familiar or new ways.