Fancy a bit of magic?
Think, a petite soul to soul tryst.
Because sometimes a bit of easy-peasy intuitive sparkle is just the thing for the mystically curious.
In other words, something perfect for You!
Feet on the ground, heart open to cosmic winks, universal signs and beautiful words, You.
For You, Dear One, I offer:
Oracle Alchemy
My blend of intuitive insight, poetically expressed.
Crafted for you alone.
Bite sized.
Like the perfect artisan chocolate.
But it is only available for a short time. A very short time. Until September 13 to be precise. (Or until I reach capacity) It is the dark moon and a lunar eclipse, a potent time!
Here’s how it works.
Once I receive your request, I enter intuitive ceremony space and pull a card from one of my many oracle decks.
But which deck?
That is in the mystery until the time comes for me to know which deck is stepping forward to commune with you! (And yes, decks do talk to me, well more like they “feel” to me.)
Once your card is drawn, I let its energy speak its words through me, for you.
I will capture the words that come though, a picture of your card, along any additional imagery or suggestions that feels right and send it off to you in a PDF document.
Use these word morsels as inspiration, guidance, intention, journal prompts, mediation… they are a written talisman to awaken your own knowing imagination!
The suggested price for Oracle Alchemy is $30.
But this is a Pay What You Choose offer!
There is a minimum price of $15 and no upper limit.
I want the price to feel luscious and intuitively right to you.
Really. Make it just right for You!
Why Pay What You Choose? It feels fun! A way for me to play in the mystery along with you. And, there is power in asking for what you want.
Pay What You Choose tickles that place inside that whispers,”Do I dare? Do I dare to offer that? Do I dare give what feels gooooood to Me?” A most delicious place to stretch, yes?!
Are you ready?
Click on the pretty “Yes, Oracle Alchemy Please!” button and you will be whisked away to a place where you can magically adjust the price of your alchemy, if you wish, and as you wish.
Important! There will be a field before you complete your purchase called “Special Instructions, note to seller.” Put your name in here so I know who you are, and let me know if you want your report sent to an email other than what used for payment.
Also, here is the place to let me know if you have a focus you want addressed. This is not necessary, and have this feel luscious. If a simple question or focus feels good, include it. Or you can leave it to the unseens to fully conspire on your behalf!
Those open a bit of intuitive soul to soul messaging to kindle their inner knowing, and willingness to let the Unseens bestow their sometimes direct, sometimes subtle wisdom.
Might not be a good fit for:
For those wanting a more direct and deep look at a situation or issue, this is not be the most complete way to support you. Please check out the many other ways I work with those looking for support in soulful, creative living. Or if your situation is dire or in need of expert help, please be in touch with an appropriate professional.
This said, if you are curious about my work, Oracle Alchemy is a great amuse-bouche!
About Me

I call myself a life coach, but really, I am a guide, writer and intuitive soul stirrer calling you back home to yourself and your elemental nature. For over 25 years I have a been helping women come home to themselves and their elemental nature. Your heart knows the way, I help you listen.