~invitation monday~ 4-27-15


(Monday is Moon Day. What are the tides of your week calling you to?)

An Invitation: dare to revise your Story

What are the stories you tell? About your life, about you, about the world?

These stories are real.



And very, very mutable.

Are you the victim or the heroine?

The sovereign or servant?

The child, the adult, the lonely teen, the wise elder?

A being of light and wonder expanding and learning and growing, or a loser who will never get it right?

Dare to play with different stories.
Same events, same players, same circumstances, but what happens when you switch the way, the interpretation, the perspective you tell the story from?

This is one of the most empowering and transforming things we can do.
New views are found. New truths discovered. More range and depth discovered.

It is daring and radical. It is the foundation of powerful magic and mystical essence.
It is not about slapping a smiley face over tragedy. Or minimizing what is hard and ugly in the world. It is not about turning the other way and ignoring what is hard.

It is about Choice. The choice to determine how you engage with your life.

Your story is the portal. The interface between you and what is happening in your life.

Dare to Revise your Story.
Make sure it is current.
Choose the version that frees you, allows compassion and love and truth. Not the one that lets you avoid what is important to face, the uncomfortable, or side step responsibility. Not the one that ignores your brilliance, beauty, power and resiliency. But the one that reveals the great and epic journey of You, most grand and magnificent.

See what is changes.

You can always go back to the old story. Sometimes it is the best. But will you know if you don’t look at some other versions?


~invitation monday~ 4-13-15

invitation_card_listen-to-the stirrings(Monday is Moon Day. What are the tides of your week calling you to?)

An Invitation: Listen to the stirrings of your Wild One, she is not going away.

What is the call you hear, the pull towards, the urge to…

There is a wild part of you
if you listen

Your subtle discontent
whispers of longing
restless looking
will lead to the edge of desire

Your next horizon

The place where the wild in you
finds her new home.

She will not stop

Pay attention

Because she knows your heart
and will not stop
until the holy core of your being
is resting in gnosis




~invitation monday~ 4-6-15


(Monday is Moon Day. What are the tides of your week calling you to?)

An Invitation: elevate your Creative Self

Bring into your life something that affirms the truth of you.

Your creative essence, your creative self.

The unstoppable force with in that compels your next breath, your next idea, your next wonder, your next moment of living.

Honor this force, let it be seen and felt in your world.


the way through life paradox

Episode 10, Tea Time Behind the Curtain


In this week’s Tea Time video a talk about how to hold the tension of the beauty and wonder of the holiday season with the hardship of the world.
The contrast is striking, particularly as the mythology of the culture is for everything to be sparkle and light. And when it isn’t? If can be even harder to find solid ground to sink into.

I have been thinking and feeling a lot lately about how to hold the paradox of living in both an amazingly beautiful world and a disturbingly troubled world.

How do I, do we, keep ourselves present and open hearted in the face of overwhelming pain and injustice and suffering? I wish I had a brilliant answer. What I do have are my tiny rituals and practices that return me to myself when I start getting overwhelmed by the world.

I make a cup of tea. It allows me a time out to get my breath back.

I bake. It returns me to the essential and life affirming energy of nourishing myself and those I love.

I knit. The repetition soothes my nervous system so I can respond rather than react.

I observe the every present beauty of nature. This brings me present and reminds me that the natural world knows how to deal with strife and hardship.

Once I have returned to myself, then I can find my courage to respond rather than react.

I can truly hear what is wanting to be understood. I can hold the paradox of pain and beauty. Wonder and struggle. Brutality and compassion. I can summon my courage instead my hurt and pain.

I wish I had better answers. But until I do I will continue to use the wonder of the world to lead forward, even as I allow the pain of the world a place in my heart. When I can honor both, then I can then be the force of healing and growth.

red lips and disapearing tardis

Episode 7 of Tea Time, Behind the Curtain

I believe giving yourself the little things, what can seem like unimportant, trivial, maybe even quirky in the bigger scheme of life, cultivates just the courage we need to do the bigger and more vulnerable ones we most desire.

Please watch and see how that had looked for me this week.

(Oh, and in caseĀ  you want to know more about the Tardis.)

it is not about the bad hair


Tea Time, Behind the Curtain Episode 4

I talk about my bad hair morning and how my tizzy over it was not really about my hair. Vulnerability, visibility, and finding love and compassion for the part of me so thrown off by some uncooperative curls.

When you find yourself creating drama out of something that is not really that important, peel back the layers a bit and see if you find out what is really going on.

Always recommended, do this with a good dose of love and compassion!