Today I talk about my new business page on Facebook! Please come see me there, “Like” it and leave a comment. It will make my day!
I give a hint that a new offering is making its way into the world (psst, a sneak peek is coming in the Halloween addition of Luscious Soulful Beauty. Not on the list? Quick, sign up below, it is going out very soon).
And, see who has been keeping me company this Halloween week.
Where I talk about how witnessing the beauty and bravery of others helps you be more brave about yourself. Specifically how I am being braver about my poetic voice inspired by aworkshop with my dear friend Deb.
And I get all astro speak, not really, but I do talk about Scorpio, death and transformation, and most joyfully about finding fallen branch with a mysterious skull on it.
Please hit play above and enjoy!
Oh, and do check out Deb’s work. She is brilliant and is gifted at opening to door to the writer with in.
I talk about my bad hair morning and how my tizzy over it was not really about my hair. Vulnerability, visibility, and finding love and compassion for the part of me so thrown off by some uncooperative curls.
When you find yourself creating drama out of something that is not really that important, peel back the layers a bit and see if you find out what is really going on.
Always recommended, do this with a good dose of love and compassion!
I am choosing to let the stars guide me the rest of the year.
As in Astrology.
For some in my life this will be eye roll inducing news. For others it will be met with hardy rounds of “Of course!” For most, indifference to mild curiosity.
For me, it is an experiment to see what happens when I let my brain off the hook for figuring everything out All. The. Time.
At the heart of this is a way to feel into my cycles and rhythms as well as those of the cosmos. Click on my latest Tea Time, Behind the Curtain to hear a bit more about it.
Have you tried, or wanted to try something that others may see as unconventional or even weird or foolish? What did you do?
Excessive use of exclamation points and BOLD is entirely intentional and totally warranted!!!
**View the episode now or read the behind the scenes story first. Those of you who get my Luscious Soulful Beauty email letter already know this, but here it is for the larger world. Believe me, no one is as surprised as me that this is happening! (Oh, and if you are not getting my LSB letter, put your info in the box at the bottom, I’d love to include you!)**
Last week I did something really scary. It made me lightheaded, nervous and full of self judgment. And you know what? I didn’t die. I didn’t even faint. Or throw up. You know what else? I surprised myself. I kind of had fun. Enough fun that I am going to continue.
What did I do? I took part in a 5 day video challenge with Kris Oster of Mythic Rhythm through her Facebook group Enchanted Entrepreneurs. (If you by chance have not heard of her, check out her work. Especially if you are a mystically inclined business person. Magic + Myth + Biz know how.= Powerful. shhh, its a secret group so let me or Kris know if you want in and we will teachyou the secret handshake, aka add you in.)
So, each day last week I created a video on the theme of bringing heaven to earth. Yummy topic, yes? Good enough, along with Kris’ inspiration and safety to tempt me. And prizes. Totally helped that there were prizes.
The thing is, I have spent my life actively avoiding being on camera. It has scared me, intimated me, just was never something I had any plans of doing, ever. Never. Not going to happen. Other people did video. Not. Me.
Sometimes our inner wise guidance has another plan. There was a tiny, but undeniably strong voice that said “Do it. Just do it. Do it. Do it.” Kind of like your girlfriends on the playground telling you to go ask the cute boy under the tree to be your lab partner because they know you really want to.
My brain said No. Some deeper part said yes. So I listened to the deeper voice that felt more true, if unfamiliar, rather than the familiar voice that sounded more safe and logical, but not quite true.
Color me shocked!
And that is how it is with our intuition and inner guidance. It is not ruled by our past and how we know ourselves in the present. It is tuned into our becoming, our growth, our life desire. It brings us to our edge so we can reach into what is forming beyond our knowing. And it often shocks us with what it brings.
So, 5 days of videos. They are not perfect. I have so much to learn. Of course I had a crap ton of judgement threatening to shut me down.
-Your hair is too frizzy.
-You need to clean your studio, or get a screen so people don’t see how messy you are.
-You look weird and puffy, not like your pretty professional pictures.
-Oh My God you say “like” and “um” too much.
-You sound just like your sister!
The truth is this:
– My hair is curly and it has a mind of its own.
– My studio is not Pinterest ready and is absolutely lived in. I definitely work in creative chaos.
– I don’t have professional lighting and make up, most nights I don’t sleep as well as I would like. I look the way I look. Also YouTube has a way of choosing the most unflattering screenshot for the video (have to learn how to work with that!) Again, I look the way I look.
– There is a learning curve and I am getting use to speaking in front of a camera.
– My sister and I come from the same gene pool and blood carries connection. She is also one of the most dynamic people I know.
I showed up anyway. I am so proud of myself for that. I am proud for leaping into the unknown and discovering a new way to express myself. I am celebrating doing the scary thing, while being scared and full of doubt the whole time. I am especially proud of not minimizing how big a triumph this for me. This is something I find so common. We snatch away our accomplishments, our triumphs, we weaken the impact of our courage because we compare ourselves with others. “This is not such a big thing, others do it all the time” we tell ourselves when this “common” “no big deal thing” is a very big, extraordinary thing for us.
Icky, Yucky, Cruel. Don’t buy into it.
Claim your bravery.
Even when it is wobbly and imperfect and perhaps the tinniest little thing to others. It is not to you and it will change you.
Here is why I share this story. That thing that scares you, the one you are absolutely sure you will never, ever do. That very thing may make its way to you as an opening to more of your creative, soulful becoming. Just because you have not known yourself to do or be something does not mean you never will.
Of course always say “no” to what does not feel right, but also be willing to follow the small, quiet, surprising “yes” that invites you forward. It doesn’t have to be big and grand, it just needs to be yours.
This story is also a way of introducing my new, small, Yes. A very big Yes actually. I am going to do a weekly video I am calling Tea Time, Behind the Curtain. A better name may come bit for now that is what I am calling it. I want to create a little space in the week to touch in, relax, breathe, and chat about what is going in my luscious life creation. Here is Episode 1. This feels tender and vulnerable and exciting.
All the ingredients of rich, new, knowing and creation!
What is your exciting new “Yes”? Is there a new, tiny, edgy whisper calling you? Say Yes!
So here it is Episode 1 of Tea Time, Behind the Scenes. Thanks for reading, thanks for watching!