your Wild One is not going away

wild wonder
wild wonder

There, out of the corner of your eye.

That faint shadow, vague feeling, fleeting thought that dissolves away before it is even formed.

Are you craving beauty so deeply that your very cells are crying in pain?

Does the night wake you out of sound sleep demanding your attention, only to leave you with a weary mind unable to think?

Your Wild One is stirring and she has no patience for logic or routine. She answers your call for more yet will not follow your rules of propriety.

You must listen or be torn apart in the struggle.

She dances her wisdom inside your dreams and longings. Time to let them out so they can breathe the air and cast their magic.

It will terrify you and have you make up all sorts of stories that are not true. About who you are and what you can do and what is most important.

But your Wild One is not going away and she is not scared of your stories.

Time to invite her in for tea. She will think it quaint and then tell you about your mysteries and unlock the Universe.

And you will be in too much wonder to remember to be afraid.


coming of age

CIMG6246(Day 30. #11. Last day of my being seen at 50 series.)


I want to write something big and important but what I am feeling is quieter and still forming.


I am coming of age.


Where I question less and trust more.

Where I am so much more interested in the perfection inherent in my imperfection than I am in getting rid of it.

Where life slows down because I get more present.

Where I am becoming the women I want to grow old as.


And I want more.


I want to feel life steeping me into deeper beauty.

I want my eyes to hold what they they see with greater love.

I want my hips to move freely, releasing the power of flow into the world.

I want my skin to feel the sensations of living as the exquisite braille of the Divine She.

I want my lips to gently kiss your life awake.

I want my hands to shake us up because there is magic between us that must ignite.

Magic that can only happen together, as we see ourselves and each other. Magic that will light the shadows and leave no room for anything other than radiant living.


This series has made me bolder. I needed that. So much more to come…

If it touched something in you, thank you for being open. Will you let me know?

Want to read the rest of this series? It is all here.


the warmth I most need

smile while tired(This is the 10th post in my series “being seen at 50“)


In the corner of a very long day,

when I am more tired than I have been in a very long time,

I find a smile just for myself.


It is the warmth I most need.

This is the moment when I know.


The patience and care I have wrapped myself in

as I look at the shadows and fears of changes brought by time,

have taken the harshness out of self judgment,

leaving truth behind.

Allowing love to grow.


the story in the fragment

self in a shard

(This is the 6th post in my series “being seen at 50″)


I broke a mirror last week.

The symbolism of a broken mirror/broken image is not lost on me as I make my way though this 30 day project.

My attention is drawn to the shelf behind me that holds pills, tinctures, herbs and prescriptions. My personal blend of natural and allopathic healing.

And it says so much. My body needing help and the all the places it comes from. The fragmented view I have when I only see part of myself. The mysterious story that is told though fully seeing just that fragment.

It is personal, intimate, comforting and unsettling at the same time. My world in a moment, that to anyone else is unremarkable and quietly ordinary. Yet, fascinating to me as it begs to tell me an important story.

Me, at 50, with a shelf of medicine, seeing myself in a mirror shard, in black and white.

Feeling the story that wants to be told.


(Want to read the rest of the series? It is all here.)

I would love to hear from you and, if you have been following, you know opening my comments is an issue right now. So if you want to share anything  go here or e-mail me at


what it means is up to you

seeing truth

(This is the 5th post in my series “being seen at 50″)


Want a personal growth workshop for free?

Take pictures of yourself everyday.

Look at what you see.


Simple but not easy.


Truth looks back at you yet is selective in what it reveals.

 What is means is up to you.



What are seeing in your world Beautiful One? What is the meaning of your truth?

(Want to read the rest of the series? It is all here.)

I would love to hear from you and, if you have been following, you know opening my comments is an issue right now. So if you want to share anything  go here or e-mail me at



(This is the 4th post in my series “being seen at 50″)

Things are blurry. I am blurry. The substance of what I have known is up for revision.

This is good.

And it is disorienting.

The face I face in the mirror is changing.

I haven’t yet chosen how to be with that.

I default to the culture that screams- be afraid, very afraid.

I default to the message of my work in the world- you are a luscious being of beauty in this form right now.

I feel something more emerging from the blur that does not yet have focus.

The face I face in the mirror is changing, and along with it as much of me as I will allow.

Adventure is present just in the looking.



How are you looking, Beautiful? I am hearing very juicy stuff from those traveling this journey of self seeing with me.

(Want to read the rest of the series? It is all here.)

I would love to hear from you and, if you have been following, you know opening my comments is an issue right now. So if you want to share anything  go here or e-mail me at 





sometimes the words don’t come, but nature helps


sometimes the words don’t come

the world is not pretty

your loved ones are struggling

you are feeling let down


and then, out of the corner of your eye,

the sun is hitting the window at just the right angle to cause your head to turn

and you catch the glory of light bouncing off of and between








and in that moment you find yourself

renewed, reminded, ready

to take your next step, your next glorious step into life


it only looks humble and mundane

like writing out bills

or doing the dishes

or getting ready for a meeting


but really it is the thing connecting you to everything you dream



Do you know I have a private corner in this virtual temple?

That is how I think of my Luscious Soulful Beauty e-letter.

I share more thoughts and ideas on living a connected and soulful life that I don’t share anywhere else, and it is the first place I announce exciting stuff.

Come on in! Sign up in the box on this page.