today I noticed


I cleaned the house, the kind of cleaning that happens when guests come.


I wondered why I am devoted to my guests coming into a clean and neat home and I am not equally devoted to giving this same thoughtfulness to myself.


I chose to be curious instead of plop myself straight into failure-as-a-human land.


When I chose to be curious instead of self judgemental, I noticed brief moments of contentment amidst tasks I hate.


As I acted from devotion to another, I took wholehearted action in an area I typically aviod as much at possible. Because I want my guest to be welcomed with spaciousness and beauty in my home.


I felt my heart break a little when I realized I do not hold the space of such devotion for myself.


Because I chose curiosity instead of judgment I am left exploring how I would be different if I treated myself with the gracious consideration and devotion I give my guests.


Another posts you may be interested in:

who says you should have your life together?

something new, something pretty


someting pretty, just because...

Things are looking kinda sparkly new here at aka! It’s very exciting. It is not just a surface redo, either.

The changes in my online home reflect a renewal much deeper than a cosmetic makeover. My approaching 50th birthday in June has been setting off small and not so small shifts in how I live my life, how I run my business, in how I view myself.

I have always been a mystical kinda of gal, but it has never been front and center in how I presented myself. Not a secret, but not my headline.

The truth is I enjoy my life more, and do better work, when I integrate my mystical priestess self with my practical skills.

This site and my coaching work now reflect this.


Please, look around.

Specifically, check out The Guidance Sessions. It’s my newest thing and it is pretty fantastic, if I do say so myself. If you are looking for clarity, direction, alignment, and don’t, or aren’t ready for longer term coaching, see if this may be just want you are looking for.

I also have some new coaching packages, or as I call them “journeys”. These are for diving in deep and doing foundation shifting life work. Are you ready?

Please, wander about. If you have any questions or are interested in more information, please be in touch.



a thanksgiving wish for you

thankful for fall color

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving here in the States. If we are lucky it is a day where we slow down, enjoy family, friends, and soul nourishing food. (FYI, I wholeheartedly believe that the second, or more!, helpings of potatoes and pie enjoyed in the space celebration and love nourish us more deeply than we know, so savor well!)

It is a time to bring awareness to all the ways in which we are blessed and loved.

Here is my Thanksgiving wish for you. That in the midst of celebrating in what ever way you do, whether with a large group of loved ones or alone (because sometimes we are alone and that is okay) or working so that the rest of us can be home, I want you to take some time to be thankful for You. This is especially important if your holiday is the kind where old triggers, resentments or family drama predictably play out.

You matter, You are important, You are a gift.

You, in all your beauty and imperfection. You, for the way you wake up and choose over and over and over in the course of a day to move forward, handle what is in front of you and love what matters.

You, for the way you don’t always get it right but keep trying and growing anyway.

There is so much to be thankful for. From the way your heart beats and keeps the biological rhythm of your life moving, to the way your heart spiritually expands in love every time it heals form a hurt or extends its love to another. From the way you dream even when disappointment tempts you to stop, to the way you respond in generosity even when it is inconvenient and for no other reason than you care.

I know it can be hard to see sometimes, the way you are amazing and special. We are not that practiced at seeing, let alone expressing thankfulness for ourselves. But do it, try it. I know it is vulnerable and can feel awkward but it will open you up to your life an amazing and honest way.

I deeply want this for you. To know the intimate joy of receiving yourself, acknowledging yourself, You feeling thankful for You.

Please share with someone who deserves some self thankfulness.

May you have a wonderful, warm, abundant Thanksgiving!






you are beautiful, a reminder

You know you are beautiful. Right? You must because it shines so warm and clear.

If you have forgotten I will remind you.

It’s okay to forget, we all do, just know how important it is to remember.

You are beautiful.

I’m not talking about beauty in a fashion magazine way or hip celebrity way. I’m not talking about the born pretty way of beauty.

These are wonderful and you may possess them.

What I see in you is different.

The true beauty that you are, the sacred beauty you hold, draws me in and keeps me engaged. It opens me to the vast mystery of the divine unfolding rightness of life.

This is your beauty.

It is how you let yourself love what you love.

How you take care of what needs caring.

It is how you let yourself ride the waves of disappointment when things don’t work out.

How you sink into loss you feel might just forever break you, but you slowly allow love buoy you, save you, pull you more wholly (and holy) into yourself.

Even when you don’t your beauty doesn’t fade.

When you resist what you love because it seems too much.

When you ignore what needs your care because you are tired or hurt or don’t have the care to give.

When the loss of what was dear overwhelms you and you block love because to fully feel it would shatter you so completely you think you wouldn’t survive, so feeling broken feels safer.

Here you are beautiful too.

As you are. Walking your journey though life.

You see, being beautiful has no requirements. You came into the world with it, you will leave with it. It is the Universe singing though you with every breathe your lungs push out into the world.

You have no choice but to be an expression of the mystical choir of devotion that allows the world to dance.

Your part is to be who you are. In this moment. Only be who you are.


