~invitation monday~july 20, 2015


(Monday is Moon Day. What are the tides of your week calling you to?)

An Invitation: trust your Power

You are stronger than you know
more powerful than you realize
it sounds cliche
and trite

Something to say when
someone doesn’t want to be bothered
with your vulnerability, doubt or struggle

The irony is that your Power
is a delicate creature
taken to hide in the shadows
rather than roar and take space

Or wears the mask of forceful pushing
rough talk
false confidence
in order to be seen

But your Power
although it may be shy sometimes
may be jagged and brass others

Your Power
is You
in this moment, how ever you are
bold, angry, mean, justified, sullen, happy, ecstatic

Your Power is your life force
that always running current of energy
the divine spark incarnate

Trust this
follow the tread it asks you to follow
this is trustworthy


Fancy a bit of summer magic?

Think, a petite soul to soul tryst.

Only here for a short time and gone quicker than an ice cream cone in July!


If you are wanting a bit of oracle insight, a shot of intuitive soul to soul messaging to kindle you inner knowing, and you  are willingness to let the Unseens bestow their sometimes direct, sometimes subtle wisdom.

I choose a card from one of my many decks, give you the download via PDF report and you get a written talisman to awaken your own knowing imagination! Details here!



~invitation monday~ july 13, 2015


(Monday is Moon Day. What are the tides of your week calling you to?)

An Invitation: seek Beauty

Right now.
Seek Beauty!

Be a relentlessly, crazed, singularly focused, Beauty hunter.
It is easy.

Close your eyes.
What is beautiful in your body?

Open your eyes.
What is beautiful in your sight right now?

There is something.
There is always something.

Be a treasure seeker of Beauty.

Do not stop until you are giddy on the ground.

Then seek some more.



~invitation monday~ june 29, 2015

invitation_light_a_candle-2(Monday is Moon Day. What are the tides of your week calling you to?)

An Invitation: light a candle and whisper your Wishes

risk intimacy with your desire
call out your heart with the breath of a lover
into the flame

let the fire take your wishes
into the land of the unseens
where they can find their way back to you

a gift of form from the realm of dreams



Are you ready for more wishes and unseen magic in your world?

Consider Soul Devotion.

6 months of your desires, your creativity, your essential nature.

A deep dive mystery school of you.

~invitation monday~ june 22, 2015

invitation-indulge_Bliss(Monday is Moon Day. What are the tides of your week calling you to?)

An Invitation: indulge Bliss in great measure

there is a knot in my chest
tears building behind a dam of resistance
that looks like not enough time and too much to do
about grief and sorrow and pain

really it is an ancient longing
designed into the wisdom matrix of each cell

too often dismissed as impractical


the mere whisper awakes sleeping parts
whose arousing sends prickles that are confused for pain
yet is the body acknowledging her true hunger
to come home to herself and be greeted by
the intimacy of Bliss


What does Bliss look like for you today? Right now. Don’t wait. It is okay. It is a close as your breath.


~invitation monday~ june 15, 2015

invitation_let-nature_heal(Monday is Moon Day. What are the tides of your week calling you to?)

An Invitation: let nature Heal you

How is nature calling you today
Not if, but how

How can she not call to one that is part of her

I can think I only hear the traffic from the busy street
But there are communities of birds happily chatting to each other
I just need to notice and allow them to include me

I can take for granted the water in my glass
I can worry about how far removed it is from the wild

Or I can picture it bubbling from the earth
Pure and clear
It now becoming the foundation of the deepest cells of my body
The blood pumping my heart
Able to satisfy my most primal thirst

Allow the nature of you to be healed by the nature you are in


~invitation monday~ 6-8-15

invitation-dive_into_the(Monday is Moon Day. What are the tides of your week calling you to?)

An Invitation: dive into the murky places to receive Clarity

One month ago this same card appeared.
This is a reminder, an emphasis on the energy of the card.
In this case, that the nature of Clarity is that it emerges from murkiness.

Each moment of fresh knowing is preceded by unknowing.
The question, the wondering, the soup of which choice is best.

Wanting greater clarity means you are presently in some degree of un-clarity.
This is not bad, in fact it is necessary for growth.

Your awareness, your subtle sensings, your intuitive feelers, have stretched beyond the present limits of your logical mind.
This gap between is the dark, the murky place.
Waiting to be entered so it can give up its jewels of knowing.

Are you willing to dive a bit deeper into the mystery to bring forth the Clarity waiting to be given?

It is okay to be nervous, to be distracted, to be afraid, to say “No thank you, not right now”. The unknowing holds many things. But today, the invitation is to explore what is there for you.




~invitation monday~ 6-1-15


(Monday is Moon Day. What are the tides of your week calling you to?)

An Invitation: embrace the sensuality of living

your life is a voluptuous adventure
your body the convergence point of the world and your experience of her

take the sensual journey of being
life unfolding around and through you

live the ever expanding voyage of consciousness
through allowing it seep into your flesh
and be
made real and true
