hair, heat, and human design

Episode 9: Tea Time Behind the Curtain

This week I talk about a hair cut as a metaphor for letting go of the old, the joy of having heat, and:

I have officially opened the doors on my newest service: Human Design Readings!

A synthesis of the mystical traditions of Astrology, I Ching, Kabbalah, the Chakra system and quantum science, I look at the Human Design chart as your divinely designed energetic blueprint. A map of how you are at your most essential core.


I hope so. Watch the video to learn a bit more and then click here for more information!

red lips and disapearing tardis

Episode 7 of Tea Time, Behind the Curtain

I believe giving yourself the little things, what can seem like unimportant, trivial, maybe even quirky in the bigger scheme of life, cultivates just the courage we need to do the bigger and more vulnerable ones we most desire.

Please watch and see how that had looked for me this week.

(Oh, and in caseĀ  you want to know more about the Tardis.)

ginger tea, halloween, and getting things done

Tea Time, Behind the Curtain: Episode 6

Today I talk about my new business page on Facebook! Please come see me there, “Like” it and leave a comment. It will make my day!

I give a hint that a new offering is making its way into the world (psst, a sneak peek is coming in the Halloween addition of Luscious Soulful Beauty. Not on the list? Quick, sign up below, it is going out very soon).

And, see who has been keeping me company this Halloween week.


writing and other Scorpio celestial happenings

Tea Time, Behind the Curtain: Episode 5

Where I talk about how witnessing the beauty and bravery of others helps you be more brave about yourself. Specifically how I am being braver about my poetic voice inspired by aworkshop with my dear friend Deb.

And I get all astro speak, not really, but I do talk about Scorpio, death and transformation, and most joyfully about finding fallen branch with a mysterious skull on it.

Please hit play above and enjoy!

Oh, and do check out Deb’s work. She is brilliant and is gifted at opening to door to the writer with in.

it is not about the bad hair


Tea Time, Behind the Curtain Episode 4

I talk about my bad hair morning and how my tizzy over it was not really about my hair. Vulnerability, visibility, and finding love and compassion for the part of me so thrown off by some uncooperative curls.

When you find yourself creating drama out of something that is not really that important, peel back the layers a bit and see if you find out what is really going on.

Always recommended, do this with a good dose of love and compassion!

eyes towards the stars. tea time, behind the curtain #3

I am choosing to let the stars guide me the rest of the year.

As in Astrology.

For some in my life this will be eye roll inducing news. For others it will be met with hardy rounds of “Of course!” For most, indifference to mild curiosity.

For me, it is an experiment to see what happens when I let my brain off the hook for figuring everything out All. The. Time.

At the heart of this is a way to feel into my cycles and rhythms as well as those of the cosmos. Click on my latest Tea Time, Behind the Curtain to hear a bit more about it.

Have you tried, or wanted to try something that others may see as unconventional or even weird or foolish? What did you do?

I’ll keep you posted on my celestial experiment!