~invitation monday~ 5-11-15

invitation_card-dive-into-the-murky(Monday is Moon Day. What are the tides of your week calling you to?)

An Invitation: dive into the murky places to receive Clarity

On the other side of every darkness, every unknown, every shadowy corner, every uncertainty, is a golden truth waiting to be discovered.

Today, choose one thing to bring to clarity. Maybe it is as simple as cleaning out your purse and filing or getting rid of old receipt. Perhaps it is giving yourself the space to contemplate an important choice that seems too big to tackle, and just acknowledging what you do know right now.

Dive into one small corner of murkiness and go deep enough to retrieve some Clarity.

It will make a difference, no matter how small. Promise.



~invitation monday~ 5-4-15

invitation_card-look-in-the-mirror2(Monday is Moon Day. What are the tides of your week calling you to?)

An Invitation: look in the mirror and be Seduced by your own eyes

Yes, your eyes

The beauty and depth in your eyes

Look past the fatigue and grief
The confusion and worry
The age and smudged mascara
The dark circles

Look deeper than the joy and love
The wonder and curiosity
The intelligence and wisdom
Deeper than all the things and qualities you are

Look until you see your most Beloved
You will find her if you let yourself

And when you do you will wonder how you can ever look away

It is vulnerable to see this deep because you can not hide from the truth you see

You will know these eyes hold the beginning of everything



~invitation monday~ 4-27-15


(Monday is Moon Day. What are the tides of your week calling you to?)

An Invitation: dare to revise your Story

What are the stories you tell? About your life, about you, about the world?

These stories are real.



And very, very mutable.

Are you the victim or the heroine?

The sovereign or servant?

The child, the adult, the lonely teen, the wise elder?

A being of light and wonder expanding and learning and growing, or a loser who will never get it right?

Dare to play with different stories.
Same events, same players, same circumstances, but what happens when you switch the way, the interpretation, the perspective you tell the story from?

This is one of the most empowering and transforming things we can do.
New views are found. New truths discovered. More range and depth discovered.

It is daring and radical. It is the foundation of powerful magic and mystical essence.
It is not about slapping a smiley face over tragedy. Or minimizing what is hard and ugly in the world. It is not about turning the other way and ignoring what is hard.

It is about Choice. The choice to determine how you engage with your life.

Your story is the portal. The interface between you and what is happening in your life.

Dare to Revise your Story.
Make sure it is current.
Choose the version that frees you, allows compassion and love and truth. Not the one that lets you avoid what is important to face, the uncomfortable, or side step responsibility. Not the one that ignores your brilliance, beauty, power and resiliency. But the one that reveals the great and epic journey of You, most grand and magnificent.

See what is changes.

You can always go back to the old story. Sometimes it is the best. But will you know if you don’t look at some other versions?


~invitation monday~ 4-20-15


(Monday is Moon Day. What are the tides of your week calling you to?)

An Invitation: trust your Power

What is your power?

The energy of you that imprints the world?

You can trust it, must know it, embrace it as divine messenger.

Your Power does not go away.

Although it can be forgotten, suppressed, misunderstood.

This is different than not having Power.

Your Power.

It is worth all the tears and joys, bumps and celebrations of life

To get to this one golden truth:

Recognizing your Power and allowing yourself to trust it

Is one of the most intimate gifts you will ever give.


~invitation monday~ 4-13-15

invitation_card_listen-to-the stirrings(Monday is Moon Day. What are the tides of your week calling you to?)

An Invitation: Listen to the stirrings of your Wild One, she is not going away.

What is the call you hear, the pull towards, the urge to…

There is a wild part of you
if you listen

Your subtle discontent
whispers of longing
restless looking
will lead to the edge of desire

Your next horizon

The place where the wild in you
finds her new home.

She will not stop

Pay attention

Because she knows your heart
and will not stop
until the holy core of your being
is resting in gnosis




~invitation monday~ 4-6-15


(Monday is Moon Day. What are the tides of your week calling you to?)

An Invitation: elevate your Creative Self

Bring into your life something that affirms the truth of you.

Your creative essence, your creative self.

The unstoppable force with in that compels your next breath, your next idea, your next wonder, your next moment of living.

Honor this force, let it be seen and felt in your world.


human design- intro pricing ending march 31

humandesign_yourdivineenergyYou know you are unique, right?

No one just like you.
You have gifts and wonderful quirks.
Ways of moving through the wold that sometimes feel as natural as breathing, and other times as if you are swimming up the strongest river.

We live in a world that is always pulling us away from our core spiritual truth, our own elemental and wise nature. This is when life is a slog, an endless fight against the current, you have that sinking feeling you are not moving anywhere close to your dream.

Oh, but then there are those times where life flows! You are sailing and shining and feel in sync with the universe.

Human Design, my newest service offering, helps you find your way to more time in your organic and natural flow and less time struggling against the tide.

It shows you ways to access the innate wisdom and rightness of your energy and how your energy wants to play in the world. It is validating, illuminating, mystical and very practical.

Human Design is an energetic blueprint of your divinely designed life.

In a reading you will learn how you engage with the energies of the world, how best to make choices and decisions you will never have to second guess, and how to embrace what is truly your beautiful way of being in a world. A blend of Astrology, the I Ching, the Chakra system, and the Kabbalah with modern science, Human Design is truly an esoteric system for modern times.

My clients are finding more acceptance for themselves, so much more permission to express what they feel called to, so much less trying to fit into endless templates of “how I should be” and way, way more time enjoying who they ARE- already and perfectly!

Introductory pricing for this service is ending March 31. So now is a great time to arrange a session. (Intro pricing is $75 and full price as of April 1 will be $150)

If the idea of exploring your design, your energy, your wonderfully unique flow and wisdom sounds fun, if the timing feels right, please connect with me here or email me at sandi@lusciouslife.com.

You are a divine creature. Full of beauty, genius and deep desires. Human Design is one of the most elegant and clear ways to show this to you.