on five decades of being grown

birthday flowers from a dear friend
birthday flowers from a dear friend

At 20 I thought I was finally grown up and ready to live fully in the adult world.

At 30 I was disappointed that, not only did I not know all the secrets of life, but I was not nearly as grown up as I thought I should be. I realize in hindsight I was trying to catch a ghost of myself, the imagined perfection of me I was failing to achieve.

 At 40 I made peace with the fact that I will always have times of not feeling truly grown up. I embraced the “life is a journey” philosophy. This eased the ghost chasing a bit, but the journey was too often fueled by my unhappiness. I hoped it would deliver me into bliss, I was chronically disappointed.

Now on the brink of 50, I know that I am grown. Not the adjective “grown” describing a state of completeness, but the verb “to grow”. The distinction is everything! I am being grown into more and more of myself by this beautiful, gritty life I get to live, just as sure as the rain and soil are always growing the forest. Like the forest I will never be done growing, never be grown up, always grown.

There is something surprisingly magical and real in being grown. I can choose any number of ways to tend to myself in the process, I have a say in much of how the process unfolds.

But the growing, the growth?

That is the Mystery.

She dances with my choices, actions, and circumstances and I find myself newly. My Self. Sandi. Who and what I am grown into now, today, this decade, this lifetime.

The growing, it must happen.Biology demands it, our soul knows no other way. 

It can’t happen with out me, but is not dependent on me.

This is liberating!

It escorts obligation, suffering, and striving to the door.

As I stand at the threshold of the second half of my first century,

I lean into growth not as something to accomplish,

not as the destination of my journey, 

but as the rich, ever changing, illuminating ground I walk on.




(if you find yourself navigating your own growing and want some direction, you may find my Guidance Sessions useful)

something new, something pretty


someting pretty, just because...

Things are looking kinda sparkly new here at lusciouslife.com aka sandidavis.net! It’s very exciting. It is not just a surface redo, either.

The changes in my online home reflect a renewal much deeper than a cosmetic makeover. My approaching 50th birthday in June has been setting off small and not so small shifts in how I live my life, how I run my business, in how I view myself.

I have always been a mystical kinda of gal, but it has never been front and center in how I presented myself. Not a secret, but not my headline.

The truth is I enjoy my life more, and do better work, when I integrate my mystical priestess self with my practical skills.

This site and my coaching work now reflect this.


Please, look around.

Specifically, check out The Guidance Sessions. It’s my newest thing and it is pretty fantastic, if I do say so myself. If you are looking for clarity, direction, alignment, and don’t, or aren’t ready for longer term coaching, see if this may be just want you are looking for.

I also have some new coaching packages, or as I call them “journeys”. These are for diving in deep and doing foundation shifting life work. Are you ready?

Please, wander about. If you have any questions or are interested in more information, please be in touch.



alley of living

Sometimes, more than we think, the most interesting is not what is meant for the public. It is the texture and grit of the back alley, the place where flaws are not given the illusion of perfection. Where they are patched only as needed. Left to live an uninterupted life. Where you can relax and not worry about good lighting or the right manners. You settle in to what is and allow the texture of a life fully lived reveal the art that can only come with time, mistakes, scars, and the right amount of privacy.




finding your heroine goddess

There are days when you feel, at best, a minor character in the story of your life. Circumstances beyond your control take over and push you to the sidelines where you watch and wait and pray for better times.

There are days when you are sure you are the villain. Doing, thinking, being, every single way that is wrong and hurtful.

You are scared. Cowardly. Mean. Deceptive.


And yet,

You are never, can never, be anything but the Heroine Goddess of your life.

While there will be events and trickster alter egos that mess with your assumptions of how it is suppose the be, you are always the strongest force in your life.

Your adventure in this world can never be overtaken. This is essential truth.

Your heart creates your life rhythm. It sparks the fire that casts warmth into the corners of your doubts and light into your hidden darkness.

Time dances in your favor, bringing you partner upon partner from a world of ultimate possibilities.

Your desires and dreams ever conspire to see in what way you will take your rightful place on the throne of your own becoming. The glorious, only for you, place of honor in the temple that is your life.

Here is the obvious truth only hidden when you assume you have been banished from your temple:

What you long for will bring you Home. It will guide you precisely where you most want to be, bringing you intimately present in all that is.

Here you will find Bliss.

Heroine Goddess,

Crave your life.


Then let yourself dive ever deeper into fullness until you can no longer be contained and must burst forth into new form.

It is an illusion that you are sidelined, a lie that you are villainous in your life.

Remember your temple. Take your throne. Glory in the miracle of your radiance.

Find yourself here.



destiny at your boot tips

Which way are your boots pointed?

Have you walked the path enough to truly know?

Or have you been stopped at the crossroads wondering,


Second guessing

Afraid to venture out of fear of getting lost

Mistaking this road that stretches out before the way your boots are pointed for the right road when really it will be the wrong road.

How do you know?

You walk. One step, one step, one step…

You will know if you boots are pointed in the direction of your heart’s yearning

But here is the secret. There is no wrong choice at the crossroads.

It is not a test, it does not determine worthiness or intellect.

It pauses you so you can see your soul reaching for form, yearning to move into the world to be made real and be seen by you.

And so there is no wrong way your boots can point. Just follow and choose this way or that.

Pause when it gets hard or confusing or the way seems too grand and full of hope or so much like what you most dream of that you can’t quite trust it.

It is okay to pause. To feel, to know, your choice will lead you one way and not another.

Just don’t mistake your choosing as the one ultimate chance of achieving your destiny.

You already, always are, can not not move ever more into your becoming.

Your boots know this. Trust them. Follow where they point.


dear 2012, i’m a bit nervous about you…

Dear 2012,

Hi, how are you? Nice to meet you. You are so new and fresh and still have the holiday glow about you. I think you are probably a pretty decent sort of year, but I have to be honest. I’m a little nervous about you.

I know you are not 2011, but you look so much alike, and let’s face it, you new years start out all the same. Lots of shiny glitz and noise, promises of new beginnings and wonderful change, only to end up a continuation of what went before. (Don’t argue, that laundry I didn’t do is still in a pile in the corner, and the sweater I’m making, still half done.)You are not so much a new beginning as you are resting point of assessment and course correction. Not so romantic, but true.

I know I shouldn’t bring old baggage into a new relationship, but you see, 2011 was really hard. Dreams ended, relationships went wonky, health was iffy, finances tanked. Course correction is happening but this big old ship is going to take a while to turn around which has you, 2012 still looking a whole lot like 2011.

Yeah, it’s true that, while some relationships went wonky last year, many others were reconnected with and nourished. That was fun and lovely. And sure, I had a big surgery, but I was loved and cared for in surprising ways. Come to think of it, money was scary and nerve racking, but new systems and commitments are making a big difference.

Dreams dieing are always hard and 2011 did in a couple I didn’t even know I had. But you know what 2012? Right at the last moments of 2011 a couple of juicy possibilities opened up, right out of the blue. That was pretty cool.

So, okay, 2011 wasn’t all bad, in fact there was some pretty awesome moments, so your resemblance, 2012, to last year might be all right.

Maybe, just maybe New Year, we can create an alliance, a powerful relationship of hope, trust, honesty and courage. That would be pretty cool don’t you think? I think it would be fun to stretch more, love more freely, bring the mysteries out in the open.

I don’t what to put too much pressure on you or anything, but I think we can do this thing up right.

What do you think? I’m up for it!

I feel much better having this little chat before things get too hot and heavy between us.

I think I might be falling for you 2012.


PS, I don’t believe all that Mayan calender stuff about you, don’t worry. I’m in it for the long haul.
