There, out of the corner of your eye.
That faint shadow, vague feeling, fleeting thought that dissolves away before it is even formed.
Are you craving beauty so deeply that your very cells are crying in pain?
Does the night wake you out of sound sleep demanding your attention, only to leave you with a weary mind unable to think?
Your Wild One is stirring and she has no patience for logic or routine. She answers your call for more yet will not follow your rules of propriety.
You must listen or be torn apart in the struggle.
She dances her wisdom inside your dreams and longings. Time to let them out so they can breathe the air and cast their magic.
It will terrify you and have you make up all sorts of stories that are not true. About who you are and what you can do and what is most important.
But your Wild One is not going away and she is not scared of your stories.
Time to invite her in for tea. She will think it quaint and then tell you about your mysteries and unlock the Universe.
And you will be in too much wonder to remember to be afraid.