What would happen if I wrote my stories down?
And then let you read them.
Let you into the flow of my spirit, revealing what is only known in these places.
What would happen if I had the courage to be naked in front of you.
Could I stay standing knowing you are seeing the very most truth of me?
Because I want to get word naked with you.
Raw and messy.
Beautiful and jagged.
I want to sink into the ground that grows truth and then follow the light that leads out of the dark descent.
My bones have grown weary trying to project an illusion no one asked for.
A facade picked up as protection when I didn’t have the strength to be seen.
But that is not the life I want to continue to live.
I am greeted in this place by the witch at the crossroads asking,
“Which way do You choose?”
I sit in the mystery of this threshold, both new and ancient, having been here so many times before, yet newly now.
Wondering which way is best, which is safest, which is right.
Surprisingly I am not asking myself which I want.
My logic yet again trying to rein in my desire.
So today I place these words here, a step through the crossroads.
Choosing the path of the raw and messy, true words more freely shared, deeper love expressed.
Will you enter also?
(This is the terrain of Soul Devotion. If it calls to you, please be in touch. Want to hear me read this piece? just click below.)